Saturday, September 5, 2009

Coastal Art-Maggi

Coastal Art has now begun.

You are invited to follow Coastal Art and be a part of the New Site
Maggi will be based at Hervey Bay and Maryborough until the end of January.

Stay posted to keep abreast with Coastal Art and photos from this wonderful location where the whales stay and play. Add yourself to be a follower. Add your link and share this Coastal Experience and experience the Powers of the Coast.

Hervey Bay is known for its healing properties. The aborigines from the past times would come to Hervey Bay to heal, and then they would move on.
I was told yesterday that Hervey Bay is the place to heal and grow, and then go on.
In the month I have been here, I have already experienced this marvellous phenomena. The whole area has special qualities that help you regain what you have lost or misplaced. I have already experienced the rejuvenating powers of Hervey Bay.

As you read and share Coastal Art-Maggi may you too feel some of the rejuvenating powers of the Coast.
